What are the types of casual bags?
There are many types of casual bags. In the bag industry, we call most bags that are not used for formal occasions, such as backpacks, school bags, messenger bags, waist bags, travel bags, belt bag,drawstring bag etc., as casual bags. This distinction is similar to casual garments and formal suits.
Casual bags are also popular with the market and consumers in terms of material, design, practicality and versatility. According to the material type, there are nylon, cotton, lycra, polyester, felt, jeans, PVC, PU material, etc. According to the style, there are bodycross, waist bag, shoulder, backpack and multifunctional style (three-in-one or two-in-one), Depending on the size, there are large sizes such as travel bags or hiking bags, medium ones such as shoulder bags or laptop bags, small ones such as mobile phone bags or palm-sized handbags, no matter how many variations of styles, fabrics and accessories, The factory of the bag will be carefully treated according to the customer’s design characteristics. the purpose is the create a great product .
Listed below are some styles of casual bags for reference.
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